Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The DIVERSE team bears the bulk of the teaching on Software Engineering at the University of Rennes 1 and at INSA Rennes, for the first year of the Master of Computer Science (Project Management, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML, Design Patterns, Component Architectures and Frameworks, Validation & Verification, Human-Computer Interaction) and for the second year of the MSc in software engineering (Model driven Engineering, Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Software Product Lines, Component Based Software Development, Validation & Verification, etc.).

Each of Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Noël Plouzeau, Olivier Barais, Johann Bourcier, Arnaud Blouin, Mathieu Acher and Benoit Combemale teaches about 200h in these domains, with Benoit Baudry and teaching about 50h, for a grand total of about 1500 hours, including several courses at ENSTB, Supelec, and ENSAI Rennes engineering school.

Olivier Barais is deputy director of the electronics and computer science teaching department of the University of Rennes 1. Mathieu Acher is in charge of teaching duties management of this department. Noël Plouzeau is the head of the final year of the Master in Computer Science at the University of Rennes 1. Johann Bourcier is at the board of the ESIR engineering school.

The DIVERSE team also hosts several MSc and summer trainees every year.


  • PhD : Mohamed Boussaa, Automatic non-functional testing and tuning of configurable generators, 06/09/2017, B. Baudry, O. Barais

  • PhD : Marcelino Rodriguez Cancio, Automatic computation diversification, 19/12/2017, B. Baudry and B. Combemale

  • PhD: Pierre Laperdrix, Browser Fingerprinting: Exploring Device Diversity to Augment Authentication and Build Client-Side Countermeasures, 03/11/17, B. Baudry, G. Avoine

  • PhD in progress: Alejandro Gomez Boix, Distributed counter-measure against browser fingerprinting, 2016, B. Baudry, D. Bromberg

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Harrand, Automatic diversity for code obfuscation, 2016, B. Baudry

  • PhD in progress: Johan Pelay, Langage pour une programmation incrémentale de réseau, 2016, O. Barais, F. Guillemin

  • PhD in progress: Quentin Plazar, Bridging the gap between SAT and SNP, 2015, M. Acher, A. Goetib

  • PhD in progress: Paul Temple, Leraning variability models, 2015, M. Acher, J.-M. Jézéquel

  • PhD in progress: Manuel Leduc, Formal and Executable Specification of domain-specific language families, 2016, O. Barais, B. Combemale

  • PhD in progress: Youssou NDiaye, Modelling and evaluating security in user interfaces, 2016, N. Aillery, O. Barais, A. Blouin, A. Bouabdallah

  • PhD in progress: Jean-Émile Dartois, Performance resources modeling for container based applications, 2016, O. Barais

  • PhD in progress: Oscar Luis, Automatic test amplification, 2016, B. Baudry

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Rio, Activity modeling for better renewable energy usage, 2016, O. Barais, Y. Morel

  • PhD: in progress, Kevin Corre, Modélisation de la confiance dans les services sociaux et conversationnels, 2014, O. Barais, G. Sunye

  • PhD: in progress, Gwendal Le Moulec, Towards the automatic synthesis of virtual reality applications, 2015, B. Arnaldi, A. Blouin, V. Gouranton

  • PhD: in progress, Ludovic Mouline, A modeling Framework for context representation, 2015, J. Bourcier, O. Barais, F. Fouquet, Y. Le Traon

  • PhD: in progress, Erwan Picard, Legal aspect of online profiling, 2015, M.Boizard, B. Baudry


Benoit Baudry

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Pierre Laperdrix, September 2017, Univ Rennes I, Supervisor

  • Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio, December 2017, Univ Rennes I, Supervisor

  • Xavier Devroey, June 2017, Univ Namur, Referee

Olivier Barais

was in the examination committee of the following HDR:

  • Mohammed Boussa, 2017, Univ RennesI, Supervisor

  • hamza ouarnoughi, 2017, Univ Brest, Reviewer

  • Ternava Xhevahire, 2017, Univ Nice, Reviewer

  • Colin AYGALINC, 2017, Univ Grenoble, Reviewer

  • Fadwa Rekik, May 2017, Univ Paris Saclay, Reviewer

Benoit Combemale

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Ulyana Tikhonova, November 2017, TU/e, The Netherlands, Reviewer

  • Cyril Cecchinel, November 2017, Univ. Nice, Examiner

  • Rodriguez Cancio, December 2017, Univ Rennes 1, Supervisor